Flying the skies for ever

Who knows why human beings,

since long timepast

Have been dreaming to be able to fly?

The reason might be they always had trust

In God Almighty living in the sky!

And like a deer feeling thirsty and so dry

Longs for its spring to extinguish its fire,

For men to be where He’s supposed to lie

His Creator, is the greatest desire!

Go thus man and fly, higher and higher

Put your country’s flag along the universe

Or simply let some stuff make you a liar

Or dream you’re flying while loving your own nurse!

Only when your body’s time is over

Your soul will be flying the sky forever!

Echoes from a sad soul



 you are just passing through

the Earth

and  the world does not belong to you

but it’s your body

that belongs to Earth;


that love has to be built


while  passion

burns quickly everything;


that every man

has its own dignity

and deserves all respect.


of those who  sowed

when you reap;


to greet the sun

every time he gets up

and every time it sets down.


that you are light

which illuminates

the darkness of eternity.

Echoes from a sad soul

Please keep on singing

Tie me like Ulysses,

I won’t run away

to death

hearing those songs!

Bind me Lord!

But you keep on singing!

The sins are not yours

     for the shores I crave

    for the eyes I seek

     for the thrills of my restless soul!

        I beg you to continue on singing.

Paths of God

Where once reigned the desert

Now it blossomed a flower,

a strong flower of love

living, breathing

in perfect harmony

with the ‘invisible yet tangible

God’s presence!

And now I know what spoiled

My blind yearnings

of happiness:

the arrogance of claiming  affection

which I supposed was  due to me;

the self-conceit  we are only matter,

the pleasure for pleasure,

selfishness  as the only purpose of life.

No, that was not

The right way:

I know now that Love

passes through the paths of God!

Holy Friday

Thank you Lord Jesus

For coming in our midst

To prove that one can live

Without the worry of power

Without the lure of money

Without the lust of flesh!

Thank you Lord Jesus

You deigned

Dressing  shoes of Man

Showing us that you can

be offended

Hit without hate

With no react of  threatening

though derided and mocked

And after all  forgiving!

How can we ever forget You

You, who have accepted

To charge up our faults

dying for our salvation?

Please tell me Lord

Please tell me Lord, ‘cause you know it

Tell me Lord, because You know,

if still are  living our fathers

and where lie their spirits?

Where are the loves and the sighs

The ideas that illuminated steps

The power that shook

Thrones by the nations of the world?

And where the pleasures of the flesh

And the wealth of the globe?

Where the ancient human wisdom

That seemed boundless and eternal?

Where is now, that tender mother?

Is that all wasted away for the offspring?

And that hefty father

who seemed all-powerful?

Where are those carefree age games

And the long-awaited youth dreams?

No, no it cannot finish all

During our short life

And all disappear into Nothingness!